CGS UPDATE – the CGS Journal
CGS Update June 2018
Full steam ahead
Despite the ominous vagaries of today’s geopolitical climate, business is booming and the future looks bright. Taken as a whole, the environment is promising for companies catering to industrial niche markets with technologies of the future.
In this issue of CGS Update, we would like to share with you the stories of four industrial pearls that will serve as the foundations of globally leading industrial groups in their sectors: InnoLas Solutions, schoen + sandt machinery, Stürtz Maschinenbau, and A + F Automation + Fördertechnik.
Mold & Robotics Group has already made it farther down this path. In just over one year, we have worked with our industry partners to turn the group into an international market leader that is now fully present in the North American market as well.
The only way to keep up this impressive pace is with the right team of seasoned professionals and young talents.
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