CGS UPDATE – the CGS Journal
CGS Update December 2019
Selling your own company
Selling your own business is one of the most difficult decisions to be made. If no one within the family or company can take over, it is the only way to ensure the fi rm’s future. This step takes time and much refl ection. Udo Gröber gave CGS an inside look at his thinking when selling his company, from which the Muller Group has emerged.
Still powering ahead at full pace in its 100th business year – R&S is holding its ground in the challenging terrain of the electricity industry thanks to its expertise and power of innovation.
And then there are two groups in the packaging industry that are quite a bit younger and equally promising: EoL has already successfully completed the fi rst step towards internationalization and the freshly founded Hummingbird Converting Solutions is fully equipped for the future with its technological lead.
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