CGS UPDATE – the CGS Journal
>>> Buy & Build
CGS builds global market leaders
Timo Serke, Analyst
CGS uses customized Buy & Build strategies to shape medium-sized industrial companies into globally leading groups. Its success is proven by the Global Market Leader Index, which identifies leading companies in an objective and transparent selection process. The index lists three companies: SF Tooling and the Top-Werk companies Masa and Hess. Like the Maag and Schöttli groups, already sold, they have made it to the top.
The foundation of CGS’s Buy & Build strategy are the numerous well-positioned SMEs with outstanding technological expertise in the DACH region. Many companies do not manage to internationalize their operations by themselves as they usually lack access to capital markets and experience in acquiring and cooperating with other companies and integrating know-how.
Our expertise, experience, and access
CGS possesses industrial experience, M&A expertise, and integration experience as well as the financial strength to help companies overcome these obstacles and to make them global market leaders in their niches. Many of CGS’s portfolio companies are included in the Global Market Leader Index that is established based on research conducted by the Henri B. Meier business school of the Executive School of Management, Technology and Law of the University of St.Gallen in cooperation with the Academy of German Global Market Leaders.
Top-Werk and SF Tooling as global market leaders
The index contains both Masa and Hess. CGS developed and internationalized these two companies, with additional acquisitions, to form the Top-Werk group, which is now the global market leader for the construction of machines and systems that manufacture concrete parts. Another group included in the index is SF Tooling, which was formed from the German company Schaufler Tooling and the American firm Fischer Tool & Die, among others. The SF Tooling Group makes molds for the die casting industry. Its tools are produced primarily for the automobile industry in Europe and the US.
Criteria for inclusion in the Global Market Leaders Index:
- Management (by owners) with at least 50% of head quarters in the DACH region
- Global market: operations on at least 3 of 6 continents with own production and/or sales companies, resp. export activities
- Annual turnover: at least EUR 50 million
- Market leader: number 1 or 2 in its global market (segment)
- At least 50% of turnover generated abroad / by exports